The High Renaissance

 c. 1480 - 1520:     High Renaissance 

                      From the Middle Ages  -   The Great Chain of Being

    1486      -   Pico della Mirandola writes the humanist treatise Oration on the Dignity of Man.

             Upward mobility:  The Medici - from wool merchants in the late 1300s to four popes and 
                                            two queens of France by 1600.

    1480 - 1520  -    Composing years of Josquin, the greatest composer of the High Renaissance.     

    1517            -    Martin Luther posts his 95 Thesis against the Roman Church in Wittenberg,
                             Germany.  The Protestant Reformation begins.  Luther composes simpler hymns
                             in the vernacular than the Catholic service music in Latin so the congregation
                             can sing along.   

                             Luther - A Mighty Fortress is our God  1527 - 1529

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