Online Resources

Wikipedia lists & articles:      Baroque Music     Baroque Composers     Baroque Opera

Ken's Classical Music Website

Western History Timeline (300 - 1750 CE) 

 Medieval & Renaissance Vocal Genres

 Baroque Vocal Genres  (opera, oratorio, mass, motet, cantata, chorale, etc.)

 Baroque Instrumental Genres  (suite, concerto, sonata, partita, cannon, fugue, passacaglia, etc.)

 Important Baroque Opera Composers

 Women Composers of Baroque Music  (13 minute documentary on 10 women composers)

 Baroque Guitar and Lute Composers 

 Top Baroque Conductors and Orchestras 

 The Baroque Concerto 

 Best Composition Polls   (Polls ranking the best symphonies, concerto, sonatas, vocal works, etc.)       

Online Articles

Table of Historical Events    

Course Musical Timeline

Medieval History  (c. 400 - 1300)
Medieval Music
Medieval  Art  

Medieval & Renaissance Composers

Renaissance History   (c. 1300 - 1600)
Renaissance Music
Renaissance Art
Renaissance Literature
Renaissance Science and Technology

The Transition from Renaissance to Baroque Music

Baroque Era  (c. 1600 - 1750)
Baroque Music
A list of several hundred Baroque composers
Baroque Painting and Sculpture
Baroque Architecture
The 17th Century in Literature
The 18th Century in Literature
The Bach Family Tree

Online Documentaries

History of the Renaissance  (52:00) 

A talk on the Franco-Flemish Renaissance school: Ockeghem, Binchois, and Du Fay  (28:00)

Art of the Western World - Realms of Light:  The Baroque  play Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7  (1 hour total)

Baroque: From St Peter's to St Paul's - Part One, Part Two  (2 hours total)

Howard Goodall -  The Age of Discovery (Middle Ages and the Renaissance)  (60 minutes)     

Howard Goodall -  Musical Notation in the Middle Ages  (50 minutes) 

Howard Goodall -  The Age of Invention  (Baroque Era)  (60 minutes)

Howard Goodall  -  Equal Temperament (Baroque Era)  (60 minutes)  

Howard Goodall  -  Opera (Baroque Era onward)  (60 minutes)

The Birth of Baroque  (Art Documentary 60 min) 

Baroque's Dark Heart  (Art Documentary 60 min)

Vivaldi Unmasked: The Four Seasons  (58 min)

Vivaldi documentary  (1 hr, 48 minutes)

Antonio Vivaldi: Life and Works  (approx. 1 hour in 14 parts) 

Domenico Scarlatti: His Music and His World (Part 1 and Part 2)   (111 min)

The Genius of Domenico Scarlatti in Four Parts  (53 min, total)  play Part 1  (13:00)

The Birth of British Music: Handel the Conquering   (59:00)

The Life of Georg Frideric Handel  (2 hours)

Handel's Messiah - documentary - Howard Goodall (58:30)  

Bach: A Passionate Life  (90 min)

Glory to God Alone:  The Life of Johann Sebastian Life  (45 min)

In the key of Bach  (2 hours)   

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